CEDA Presentation 2007

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Slide 21 : Interactive Collaboration - Jigsaw example

The Jigsaw component is a good example to illustrate interactive collaboration in CEDA.

In our office we did an experiment with about 10 people all working on the same Jigsaw at the same time. Apart from being a rather amusing exercise, it showed there were no performance issues. In fact CEDA should be able to scale to thousands of users at the same time.

The interaction is very fine grained. In this case operations are generated at the rate of 50 per second.

If two people drag the same jigsaw piece then it is seen to flicker between two possible positions (as operations alternately try to assign the (x,y) position of the same jigsaw piece). At the human level the conflict is resolved once one of the users stops dragging the piece around with the mouse.