Maximal decomposition of information

Let `S` be a relational database schema.

`C(S)` (the extension of the database constraint) can be regarded as a non-empty relation so we can consider its unique prime Cartesian factorisation.

Claim: For any schema `S` there exists a schema `S'` which is information equivalent to `S` where the cardinality of every finite prime Cartesian factor of `C(S')` is a prime number.

This implies the bag of integers which are the cardinalities of the prime Cartesian factors of `C(S')` equals the bag of prime number factors of `|C(S)|`.

Note that the bag of prime number factors of any positive integer is uniquely determined, by the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic [].

`S'` represents a schema having maximal decomposition - i.e. into the most parts which can be updated independently.


The following is an outline of a constructive existential proof which involves relational expressions for each relvar in `S'` that are defined in terms of the relvars of `S`:

Let `F_1, ..., F_n` be the prime number factors of `N = |C(S)|` (the order doesn't matter)

Let the `N` database values in `C(S)` be organised into an `n` dimensional array of size `prod_(j=1)^n F_j = N` (again, the order doesn't matter).

For `j` in `1..n` and `i` in `1..Fj`, let `B_(ij)` denote the subset of `C(S)` corresponding to the set of database values in the ith slice of the jth component of the n-dimensional array (a slice has `n-1` dimensions).

For `j` in `1..n` and `i` in `1..F_j`, let `T_(ij) = uuu { matches(d) | d ∈ B_(ij) }` where `matches(d)` evaluates to DEE if the dbvar for schema `S` has value `d`, otherwise DUM. See how it can be defined here.

Note that `T_(ij)` evaluates to DEE if the value of the dbvar for `S` is in slice `B_(ij)`, otherwise DUM.

Let `x` be some attribute name. For `j` in `1..n`, let schema `S'` have relvar `R_j'` which is defined in terms of the relvars of `S` using the expression

`R_j' = uuu { T_(ij) ⋈` REL { TUP { (`x` `i`) } }` | i in 1..F_j }`

(this expression evaluates to REL { TUP { (`x` `i`) } } where the dbvar of `S` is in slice `B_(ij)`)

Note that for every database value each relvar `R_j'` of `S'` has exactly one tuple with one attribute. This follows because any database value (i.e. element of `C(S)`) lies in exactly one slice of the jth coordinate. The UNION over the JOINs picks out exactly one of the TUP { (`x` `i`) }. There are `F_j` slices for the jth component and hence `F_j` possible values of `R_j'`.

It is easy to see that a combination of the values of the `R_j'` corresponds to one of the elements of the n-dimensional array and hence to one of the database values in `C(S)`.

Example 1

Let there be three lights coloured red, green and blue which can be on or off. There are `2^3 = 8` world situations which need to be recorded.

Let schema `S_1` have a single relvar with the predicate: The light with colour [COLOUR] is on.

Let schema `S_2` have three relvars with the following predicates:

  1. The red light is on.
  2. The green light is on.
  3. The blue light is on.

`S_1` and `S_2` are information equivalent. `S_2` is an example of a schema with maximal decomposition.

Example 2

Let there be three lights coloured red, green and blue which can be on or off, except they cannot be all off or all on. There are `6` world situations which need to be recorded.

The prime factorisation of `6` is `2×3`. A maximally decomposed schema can be achieved with the following two predicates:

  1. A single light is on.
  2. The light with colour [COLOUR] is the only light in its state.

Example 3

See maximal decompositon of two monadic relations with an IND constraint.