Transient message queues

There are messaging systems such as ActiveMQ Artemis which persist messages on a complex broker, but the broker nevertheless tends to be an inadequate persistence system, and there's an emphasis on out-of-order, at-least-once delivery which significantly complicates the system.

It is instead much simpler for messages to be sent over an ordered byte stream such as TCP so the messaging is:

This tends to give the maximum performance. It's possible for modest hardware to reach the maximum throughput of its network interface cards even with quite small messages.

This approach promotes testability and avoids the pitfalls of the advanced messaging system anti-pattern.

Some approaches resemble a persistent implementation of TCP to varying degrees (for example SQL Server Service Broker).

They may implement a persistent moving window of messages, message replay or acknowledgements. It is better for this to be done using transient send and receive buffers.