Print reflected type

void PrintReflectedType(
    xostream& os,
    ReflectionByteCode rbc,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the type given by ReflectionByteCode 'rbc' to xostream 'os' using the PrintTypeSettings 'pts'.

void PrintReflectedInterface(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedInterface& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedInterface to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedClass(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedClass& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedClass to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedVariant(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedVariant& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedVariant to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedEnum(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedEnum& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedEnum to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedFunctor(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedFunctor& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedFunctor to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedTypedef(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedTypedef& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedTypedef to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedGlobalFunction(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedGlobalFunction& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedGlobalFunction to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.

void PrintReflectedGlobalVariable(
    xostream& os,
    const ReflectedGlobalVariable& r,
    const PrintTypeSettings& pts = PrintTypeSettings())

Print the given ReflectedGlobalVariable to the given xostream using the given PrintTypeSettings.