Represents information about a $typedef declaration in the Xc++ language.
$struct+ ReflectedTypedef
$ConstStringZ GetName() const { return m_name; }
//////////////// State //////////////////
ConstStringZ m_name;
const octet_t* m_bc; // Specifies type and metadata
ConstStringZ const* m_stringTable;
ConstStringZ m_name
The fully qualified name of the typdef-name represented as a pointer to a UTF-8 encoded null-terminated string (see ConstStringZ).
const octet_t* m_bc
Pointer to an array of octets which is the byte code defining the type.
ConstStringZ const* m_stringTable
The address of an array of pointers to UTF-8 encoded null-terminated strings (see ConstStringZ), which is the string table associated with the byte code defining the type. May be null if no string table is required.
Consider the following $typedef declaration in extended C++. The '+' means reflection information is generated.
namespace ns
$typedef+ ceda::float64 Mass;
This generates the following code at the point of definition:
namespace ns
typedef ceda::float64 Mass;
inline ceda::ConstStringZ GetTypedefName_Mass()
return "ns::Mass";
and the following additional code is appended to a cpp file in order to register a ReflectedTypedef:
//### $typedef+ ns::Mass
namespace ceda { XTarget* Ceda_Core_Object_exObject_GetXTarget(); }
namespace ns
void _Register_Mass()
static const ceda::octet_t Mass_type[] =
static const ceda::ReflectedTypedef Mass_typedef =
cxVerify(ceda::RegisterReflectedTypedef(&Mass_typedef,ceda::Ceda_Core_Object_exObject_GetXTarget()) == ceda::NSE_OK);
} // ns