
// ReflectionByteCodeValue.h
// Author David Barrett-Lennard
// (C)opyright Cedanet Pty Ltd 2012

@import "IObject.h"
@import "ReflectionByteCode.h"
#include "Ceda/cxUtils/xvector.h"

namespace ceda
$class+ ReflectionByteCodeValue <<ar>>
    // default dtor, copy ctor, copy assignment used
    ReflectionByteCodeValue() {}
    // Support implicit conversion from ReflectionByteCode
    // If underlyingOnly = true then all the following type information is removed:
    //      -   Metadata
    //      -   Qualifiers : volatile, const, assignable, movable, offsetable
    //      -   typedefs are reduced
    ReflectionByteCodeValue(ReflectionByteCode rbc, bool underlyingOnly = false);
    ReflectionByteCode AsReflectionByteCode() const
        return ReflectionByteCode(, GetStringTable(), nullptr); 
    bool operator<(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const
        return m_byteCode < rhs.m_byteCode ||
               (m_byteCode == rhs.m_byteCode && m_strings < rhs.m_strings);
    bool operator==(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const
        return m_byteCode == rhs.m_byteCode && m_strings == rhs.m_strings;
    bool operator!=(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const
        return !operator==(rhs);
    bool operator<=(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const { return !rhs.operator<(*this); }
    bool operator>(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const { return rhs.operator<(*this); }
    bool operator>=(const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rhs) const { return !operator<(rhs); }
    void Serialise(Archive& ar) const;
    void Deserialise(InputArchive& ar);
    void DebugWrite(xostream& os) const;

    ConstStringZ const* GetStringTable() const;

    xvector<octet_t> m_byteCode;
    // The concatenation of all the strings in the string table ordered by index position, each 
    // string including a '\0' terminator.
    xstring m_strings;
    // Pointers into the strings within m_strings.  This can be regarded as redundant state, since
    // it can be calculated from m_strings by scanning for the null terminators.
    mutable xvector<ConstStringZ> stringTable;

// Displays ReflectionByteCodeValue as a type
inline xostream& operator<<(xostream& os, const ReflectionByteCodeValue& rbcv)
    os << rbcv.AsReflectionByteCode();
    return os;

} // namespace ceda