// MultiPSpaceTxn.cpp
// Author Jesse Pepper, David Barrett-Lennard
// (C)opyright Cedanet Pty Ltd 2007
@import "Ceda/cxPersistStore/IPersistStore.h"
@import "Ceda/cxObject/CSpace.h"
#include "Ceda/cxUtils/FileException.h"
#include "Ceda/cxUtils/Environ.h"
#include "Ceda/cxUtils/TracerUtils.h"
#include "Ceda/cxUtils/AutoCloser.h"
#include <assert.h>
namespace MultiPSpaceTxn
// This example demonstrates a mutative (exclusive locked) transaction across two PSpaces.
$interface+ IBankAccount : ceda::IPersistable
void Deposit(ceda::float64 value);
void Withdraw(ceda::float64 value);
ceda::float64 GetBalance() const;
$struct BankAccount isa IBankAccount :
ceda::float64 m_balance;
// (DBL) todo. Initialisation of data model members needs to be looked at carefully.
// The code below generates an operation!
BankAccount() { m_balance = 0.0; }
void Deposit(ceda::float64 value) { m_balance = m_balance + value; }
void Withdraw(ceda::float64 value) { m_balance = m_balance - value; }
ceda::float64 GetBalance() const { return m_balance; }
void Run()
ceda::TraceGroup g("Multi-PSpace Transaction Example");
// todo : currently this example produces an assertion in DGSystem::DataSourceReadBarrier()
// This is because a read barrier is invoked on an object that belongs in a different CSpace.
// Create store
ceda::xstring path = ceda::GetCedaTestPath("MultiSpaceTest.ced");
ceda::close_ptr<ceda::PersistStore> pstore(ceda::OpenPersistStore(path.c_str(), ceda::OM_CREATE_ALWAYS));
// Create pspaces and bootstrap BankAccount roots
ceda::WPSpace p1(ceda::OpenPSpace(pstore.get(), "ps1"));
ceda::ptr<IBankAccount> a1 = ceda::BootstrapPSpaceRoot<BankAccount>("my_root");
ceda::WPSpace p2(ceda::OpenPSpace(pstore.get(), "ps2"));
ceda::ptr<IBankAccount> a2 = ceda::BootstrapPSpaceRoot<BankAccount>("my_root");
// An array of PSpaceLockMode structures specifies which PSpaces are to be locked and
// what type of lock to achieve for each.
//ceda::PSpaceLockMode lms[2] =
// { p1, ceda::ECSpaceLockMode::Exclusive },
// { p2, ceda::ECSpaceLockMode::Exclusive },
ceda::CSpace* spaces[2] =
//ceda::close_ptr<ceda::PersistStoreTxn> txn(OpenTxn(pstore.get(),lms,2));
ceda::float64 value = 85.0;
Tracer() << "After transaction, a1.balance = " << a1->GetBalance() << ", a2.balance = " << a2->GetBalance() << '\n';
ceda::UnlockMultipleCSpaces(spaces, 2);