// LssSettings.h
// Author David Barrett-Lennard
// (C)opyright Cedanet Pty Ltd 2008
#ifndef Ceda_cxLss_LssSettings_H
#define Ceda_cxLss_LssSettings_H
#include "cxLss.h"
namespace ceda
// LssSettings
struct LssSettings
LssSettings() :
segmentSize(512 * 1024),
// Maximum time to flush the log after committing a transaction
int flushTimeMilliSec;
// If utilisation falls below this threshold then segment is cleaned
double cleanerUtilisationPercent;
// If set then the Win32 file cache will be used. Typically not required because the LSS
// performs its own buffering, with its segment cache.
// If enableFileBuffering is false then CreateFile() is called with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
bool enableFileBuffering;
// If enableWriteThrough is true then CreateFile() is called with FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH
bool enableWriteThrough;
// Maximum number of segments in the segment cache. With default values segment cache is
// 32 x 512kB = 16 MB.
int maxNumSegmentsInCache;
// Sets the "rate" at which the store is check pointed. With the default values a check point
// is performed after writing 128 x 512kB = 64 MB to the log.
// This controls the maximum time taken to perform a recovery scan. For a modern hard-disk,
// it only takes about one second to read 64MB.
// Performing check points rarely has the advantage of writing less "meta data" to the log, and
// ensuring that the meta data is well clustered. It also means the root block is written less
// often.
int numSegmentsPerCheckPoint;
// Size of each segment - the unit of reading from disk. If too small, then performance
// becomes dominated by the head seek and rotational delay times of the hard-disk. If too
// large then performance becomes overly dependent on the clustering of related data.
// As a very rough guide, should equal the product of the maximum transfer rate of the hard-disk
// in bytes per second, times the seek time in seconds.
// Eg for transfer rate = 50 MB/sec, seek = 10 msec then product = 500k
int segmentSize;
// Force increment of the MSSN during start up
bool forceIncrementMSSN;
// For debugging purposes only.
bool validateSUTDuringCheckPoint;
} // namespace ceda
#endif // include guard