# GLOB_RECURSE all the generated .cpp and .java files, and write a file which sets variables
# named jniCppFiles and jniJavaFiles
# ${CPP_PATH} : path to the folder containing the generated .cpp files
# ${JAVA_PATH} : path to the folder containing the generated .java files
# ${OUPUT_PATH} : path to file to create which sets the jniCppFiles and jniJavaFiles variables
set(tempPath ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jniFiles.cmake)
file(WRITE ${tempPath} "")
file(GLOB_RECURSE cppSourceFiles RELATIVE ${CPP_PATH} ${CPP_PATH}/*.cpp)
file(APPEND ${tempPath} "set(jniCppFiles\n")
foreach(f ${cppSourceFiles})
file(APPEND ${tempPath} " ${f}\n")
file(APPEND ${tempPath} ")\n")
file(GLOB_RECURSE javaSourceFiles RELATIVE ${JAVA_PATH} ${JAVA_PATH}/*.java)
file(APPEND ${tempPath} "set(jniJavaFiles\n")
foreach(f ${javaSourceFiles})
file(APPEND ${tempPath} " ${f}\n")
file(APPEND ${tempPath} ")\n")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${tempPath} ${OUPUT_PATH})