// CedaAssert.h
// Author David Barrett-Lennard
// (C)opyright Cedanet Pty Ltd 2004
#pragma once
#ifndef Ceda_cxUtils_CedaAssert_H
#define Ceda_cxUtils_CedaAssert_H
#include "cxUtils.h"
// From https://github.com/nemequ/portable-snippets/blob/master/debug-trap/debug-trap.h
#if defined(__has_builtin) && !defined(__ibmxl__)
# if __has_builtin(__builtin_debugtrap)
# define psnip_trap() __builtin_debugtrap()
# elif __has_builtin(__debugbreak)
# define psnip_trap() __debugbreak()
# endif
#if !defined(psnip_trap)
# if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define psnip_trap() __debugbreak()
# elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION)
# define psnip_trap() __breakpoint(42)
# elif defined(__ibmxl__) || defined(__xlC__)
# include <builtins.h>
# define psnip_trap() __trap(42)
# elif defined(__DMC__) && defined(_M_IX86)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm int 3h; }
# elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("int3"); }
# elif defined(__thumb__)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__(".inst 0xde01"); }
# elif defined(__aarch64__)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__(".inst 0xd4200000"); }
# elif defined(__arm__)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__(".inst 0xe7f001f0"); }
# elif defined (__alpha__) && !defined(__osf__)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("bpt"); }
# elif defined(_54_)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("ESTOP"); }
# elif defined(_55_)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__(";\n .if (.MNEMONIC)\n ESTOP_1\n .else\n ESTOP_1()\n .endif\n NOP"); }
# elif defined(_64P_)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("SWBP 0"); }
# elif defined(_6x_)
static inline void psnip_trap(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("NOP\n .word 0x10000000"); }
# elif defined(__STDC_HOSTED__) && (__STDC_HOSTED__ == 0) && defined(__GNUC__)
# define psnip_trap() __builtin_trap()
# else
# include <signal.h>
# if defined(SIGTRAP)
# define psnip_trap() raise(SIGTRAP)
# else
# define psnip_trap() raise(SIGABRT)
# endif
# endif
#define cxBreakInDebugger() psnip_trap()
#define cxAlwaysAssert(expr) (void) (!!(expr) || (ceda::ThrowCedaAssertionException(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__),0) )
#define cxAlwaysAssert(expr) (void) (!!(expr) || !ceda::TraceAssertionError(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__) || (cxBreakInDebugger(),0) )
#define cxAlwaysVerify(expr) cxAlwaysAssert(expr)
#define cxAssert(expr) cxAlwaysAssert(expr)
#define cxVerify(expr) cxAlwaysAssert(expr)
#define cxAssert(f) ((void)0)
#define cxVerify(f) ((void)(f))
#define cxTodo() cxAlwaysAssert(0)
#define cxAssertUnreachable() { cxAssert(0); ceda::DeclareUnreachable(); }
namespace ceda
// Should the assertion dialog be displayed when an assertion occurs? This is false by default. It can be
// convenient to disable the dialog when it doesn't pin point the first assertion correctly, or you simply
// want to avoid seeing the dialog appear during program development.
cxUtils_API void EnableShowAssertionDialog(bool show);
// Used to trace the error to the trace file, and display the assertion dialog (if enabled)
// Returns true if the assertion should break the program for the debugger.
cxUtils_API bool TraceAssertionError(const char* expression, const char* file, int lineNumber);
// Throw a CedaAssertionException
cxUtils_API void ThrowCedaAssertionException(const char* expression, const char* file, int lineNumber);
[[noreturn]] inline void DeclareUnreachable() { throw; }
} // namespace ceda
#endif // include guard