
// Bounds.h
// Author David Barrett-Lennard
// (C)opyright Cedanet Pty Ltd 2022

#pragma once
#ifndef Ceda_cxUtils_Bounds_H
#define Ceda_cxUtils_Bounds_H

#include "cxUtils.h"
#include "CedaAssert.h"

namespace ceda
// Reinterpret casts on pointers that leave constness intact

Let T be a type that isn't const qualified.  E.g. T = Circle (not const Circle)

Then given any pointer p, cast_ptr<T>(p) converts it either to a T* or a const T* 
depending on whether p points at a const object.
This is similar to reinterpret_cast<T*> or reinterpret_cast<const T*> including the fact
that constness cannot be cast away. The important difference is that you always use the 
form cast_ptr<T> and the constness is passed through automatically.  By contrast, with 
reinterpret_cast you must either use reinterpret_cast<T*> or reinterpret_cast<const T*> 
depending on the situation.

template <typename T>
inline T* cast_ptr(void* p)
    return (T*) p;

template <typename T>
inline const T* cast_ptr(const void* p)
    return (const T*) p;

// offset_ptr is similar to cast_ptr<T> but also allows for an offset in bytes
template <typename T>
inline T* offset_ptr(void* p, ssize_t offset)
    return (T*) ((octet_t*) p + offset);
template <typename T>
inline const T* offset_ptr(const void* p, ssize_t offset)
    return (const T*) ((const octet_t*) p + offset);

// Apply an offset to a given pointer, regardless of its type
template <typename T>
T* OffsetPointerInBytes(T* p, ssize_t offset)
    return (T*) ((octet_t*)p + offset);

// Apply an offset to a given pointer, regardless of its type
template <typename T>
inline void ApplyStride(T*& p, ssize_t offset)
    (octet_t*&)p += offset;

We have an array A with n elements with finite values:  A[0] ... A[n-1].  This is sorted meaning 
A[i-1] <= A[i].  Note that repeated values are possible.

We use the terminology of lower and upper bounds used by the standard library

Lower bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the sorted range [first,last) which does 
not compare less than value.
    not (A[i] < v)
    i.e. v <= A[i]
Upper bound

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the sorted range [first,last) which 
compares greater than value. 

    A[i] > v
    i.e. v < A[i]

There are actually 4 distinct functions

Let v = 1.  We can show each option:

                     (reverse_upper_bound)    (reverse_lower_bound)
                        right most               right most
                         A[i] < v                A[i] <= v 
                            |                       |
            A[] =   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2
                                |                       |
                            left most               left most
                            A[i] >= v                A[i] > v
                         (STL lower_bound)      (STL upper_bound)

Proposed naming convention (that complies with the standard library)

    reverse_upper_bound   =  upper_bound of reversed list associated with swapping < and >
                          =  lower_bound - 1
    reverse_lower_bound   =  lower_bound of reversed list associated wwith swapping < and >
                          =  upper_bound - 1

Given v1,v2 we are interested in finding the largest interval [i,j) such that for each k in 
[i,j), A[k] is in [v1,v2).

This interval corresponds to

    [i,j) = [ lower_bound(v1), reverse_upper_bound(v2) ]
          = [ lower_bound(v1), lower_bound(v2) )

// Returns smallest index in [0,n) satisfying A[i] >= v, or else n
template <typename T>
ssize_t LinearLowerBound(const T* A, ssize_t s, ssize_t n, const T* v)
    ssize_t i;
    for (i=0 ; i < n ; ++i)
        if (!(*A < *v)) break;
    return i;

// Returns smallest index in [0,n) satisfying A[i] > v, or else n
template <typename T>
ssize_t LinearUpperBound(const T* A, ssize_t s, ssize_t n, const T* v)
    ssize_t i;
    for (i=0 ; i < n ; ++i)
        if (*v < *A) break;
    return i;

// Binary versions

Optmised binary search that assumes there are no repeats

template <typename T>
ssize_t __stdcall BinaryLowerBoundNoRepeats(const T* A, ssize_t s, ssize_t n, const T* v)
    Use binary search to find the insertion position.  We have keys  K(0), .... , K(n-1)
    Let K be the key to be inserted
    For convenience, define K(-1) = -inf,  and K(n) = +inf.

    Claim:  Each assignment to hi makes it strictly decrease
    Proof:  hi can only be replaced by hi' = mid-1 where mid = floor( (lo+hi) / 2)
            mid = floor( (lo+hi) / 2)  =>  mid <= (lo+hi)/2 
                                       =>  2*mid <= lo + hi
                                       =>  2*mid <= 2*hi   (because lo <= hi in while condition)
                                       =>  mid <= hi
                                       =>  mid-1 < hi
                                       =>  hi' < hi

    Claim:  Each assignment to lo makes it strictly increase
    Proof:  lo can only be replaced by lo' = mid+1 where mid = floor( (lo+hi) / 2)
            mid = floor( (lo+hi) / 2)  =>  mid >= floor( (lo+lo)/2 )   (because lo <= hi)  
                                       =>  mid >= lo
                                       =>  mid+1 > lo
                                       =>  lo' > lo
    Claim:  An invariant of the loop is hi < n
    Proof:  Initially hi = n-1 < n.  At each iteration hi cannot increase
    Claim:  At each iteration  mid = floor( (lo+hi)/2 ) satisfies mid < n
    Proof:  From a proof above we see that mid <= hi.  Now hi < n therefore mid < n
    Claim:  An invariant of the binary search is :  K is in [ K(lo-1), K(hi+1) )
    Proof: (by induction)
        *   Initially lo = 0, hi = n-1.
            So [ K(lo-1), K(hi+1) ) = [ K(-1), K(n) ) = [-inf, +inf) which must contain K
        *   At each iteration mid = floor( (lo+hi) / 2).
            Therefore lo <= mid <= hi
            Therefore lo-1 < mid < hi+1
            1.  if K > K(mid) then lo becomes lo' = mid+1. 
                lo-1 < mid < hi+1  =>  lo-1 < lo'-1 < hi+1.  Hence the interval strictly decreases 
                in size but remains non-empty.
                K > K(mid) =>  K > K(lo'-1)  so the invariant remains true
            2.  if K < K(mid) then hi becomes hi' = mid-1
                lo-1 < mid < hi+1  =>  lo-1 < hi'+1 < hi+1.  Hence the interval strictly decreases 
                in size but remains non-empty.
                K < K(mid) =>  K < K(hi'+1)  so the invariant remains true
    Claim:  The loop eventually exits with lo = hi+1
    Proof:  At each iteration either lo strictly increases or else hi strictly decreases,  
            therefore an infinite loop is not possible.
            The invariant implies  lo-1 < hi+1  =>  lo < hi+2
            The iteration exits with lo > hi.
            So we have   hi < lo < hi+2
            This implies lo = h1+1.
    ssize_t insertPos;
        ssize_t lo = 0;
        ssize_t hi = n-1;
        while (lo <= hi)
            const ssize_t mid = (lo + hi)/2;
            cxAssert(0 <= mid && mid < n);
            const T& pmid = *offset_ptr<T>(A, s*mid);

            if (*v < pmid)
                hi = mid - 1;
                // By assumption of no repeats
                cxAssert(pmid < *v);
                lo = mid + 1;
        cxAssert(lo == hi+1);

        // Correct insertion position is at lo.  Note that lo = n is possible!
        insertPos = lo;
    cxAssert(0 <= insertPos && insertPos <= n);
    return insertPos;

// Assumes A[] consists of monotone increasing values
// Returns smallest index in [0,n) satisfying A[i] >= v, or else n
template <typename T>
ssize_t __stdcall BinaryLowerBound(const T* A, ssize_t s, ssize_t n, const T* v)
    For convenience in the following proofs let's define  
        A[-1] = -infinity
        A[n]  = +infinity
    Claim: At each iteration mid = floor((lo+hi)/2) must be in the range [lo,hi)
    Proof: By the condition in the while loop we know that lo < hi.
           Clearly mid >= lo, and mid <= hi.
           Suppose mid = hi. Then hi <= (lo+hi)/2.  i.e. 2hi <= lo+hi. i.e. hi <= lo.
           This contradicts lo < hi.

    Claim: An invariant of the binary search is v is in the half open interval 
           ( A[lo-1], A[hi] ]
    Proof (by induction)
        1.   This invariant is met with the initial settings of lo=0 and hi=n,
             because v in ( -infinity, +infinity ] = ( A[lo-1], A[hi] ] 
        2.   At each iteration lo < hi therefore mid = floor( (lo+hi)/2 ) must in in the range
             a.  If v > A[mid] then lo becomes mid+1, and A[lo-1] = A[mid+1-1] = A[mid].  
                 Therefore after changing lo we still have v > A[lo-1].  i.e. the invariant 
                 remains true
             b.  Otherwise if v <= A[mid] then hi is assigned to mid.  Therefore v <= A[hi]
                 remains true.
    Claim : The binary search exits with lo = hi
    Proof : 
       Initially lo = 0 and hi = n.  Now 0 <= n therefore lo <= hi
       At each iteration mid is in the range [lo,hi).  If lo is set to mid+1 then lo <= hi.  
       Otherwise if hi is set to mid then lo <= mid.  Therefore it is not possible for the loop
       to exit with lo > hi.  It also clearly can't exit with hi < lo.  Therefore we deduce 
       that it must exit with lo = hi.
       It only remains to show that it doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop.  This follows 
       because each iteration always increases lo or decreases hi.
    // loop invariant : ( A[lo-1], A[hi] ]  contains v,  where A[-1] = -infinity and A[n] = +infinity
    // finishes with lo = hi, and hi is our lower bound
    ssize_t lo = 0;
    ssize_t hi = n;
    while (lo < hi)
        ssize_t mid = (lo + hi)/2;
        cxAssert(0 <= mid && mid < n);
        if (*offset_ptr<T>(A, s*mid) < *v) lo = mid + 1;
        else                               hi = mid;
    cxAssert(lo == hi);
    cxAssert(0 <= hi && hi <= n);
    return hi;

// Assumes A[] consists of monotone increasing values
// Returns smallest index in [0,n) satisfying A[i] > v, or else n
template <typename T>
ssize_t __stdcall BinaryUpperBound(const T* A, ssize_t s, ssize_t n, const T* v)
    // loop invariant : [ A[lo-1], A[hi] )  contains v,  where A[-1] = -infinity and A[n] = +infinity
    // finishes with lo = hi, and hi is our upper bound
    ssize_t lo = 0;
    ssize_t hi = n;
    while (lo < hi)
        ssize_t mid = (lo + hi)/2;
        cxAssert(0 <= mid && mid < n);
        if (*v < *offset_ptr<T>(A, s*mid)) hi = mid;
        else                               lo = mid + 1;
    cxAssert(lo == hi);
    cxAssert(0 <= hi && hi <= n);
    return hi;

} // namespace ceda

#endif // include guard