Claim 1: A possrep can be formalised as a non-empty relation where
Claim 2: Every possrep has a well defined prime factorisation (obviously since every possrep is formalised by a particular non-empty relation)
Claim 3: All things being equal, possreps with more prime factors tend to be more desirable.
Consider a type for geometrical points constrained to an annulus
possrep 1: R1 = { (x,y) ∈ ℝ2 | 1 < x2+y2 < 9 }. Prime factorisation = {R1}
possrep 2: R2 = { (r,t) ∈ ℝ2 | (1<r<3) ∧ (-π≤t<π) }. Prime factorisation = {R,T} where R = { (r) | 1<r<3 } and T = { (t) | -π≤t<π }
An interesting idea is to consider in turn a possrep on each component of a possrep and so on. Without prejudice from type systems, this provides some basis for properly maximising the number of prime factors. As a simple example, a representation of a circle with centre and radius, where the centre can in turn be represented either by (x,y) or (r,t) coordinates.
It may seem odd to have talked about a type of geometrical point constrained to an annulus. It's less odd if you consider that such a constraint may exist on an attribute of a "containing" possrep in which the geometrical point appears. For example we may be interested in circles centred at positions in an annulus, which would suggest a representation using (r,t) for the centre of the circle might be best.
Consider the ellipse E(CX,CY,A,B) with locus
{ (x,y) ∈ ℝ2 | ((x-CX)/A)2 + ((y-CY)/B)2 = 1 }
and the predicate
P(cx,cy,a,b) = the ellipse has centre (cx,cy), major radius a and minor radius b
In the context of the ellipse E(CX,CY,A,B) the predicate P(cx,cy,a,b) has an extension with a single tuple
TUP { <cx CX> <cy CY> <a A> <b B> }
The predicate P(cx,cy,a,b) is equivalent to the conjunction
the centre of the ellipse has x-coord cx AND
the centre of the ellipse has y-coord cy AND
the major radius of the ellipse is a AND
the minor radius of the ellipse is b
If you project away cy,a,b then you get a relation with a single tuple
TUP { <cx CX> }
which is the extension of the predicate
there exists cy,a,b such that
the centre of the ellipse has x-coord cx AND
the centre of the ellipse has y-coord cy AND
the major radius of the ellipse is a AND
the minor radius of the ellipse is b
which is equivalent to
the centre of the ellipse has x-coord cx
because for example
there exists cy such that the centre of the ellipse has y-coord cy
is true.