
//////////////////// GraphicsMagick //////////////////////
GraphicsMagick provides a comprehensive collection of utilities, programming interfaces, and GUIs, 
to support file format conversion, image processing, and 2D vector rendering.

GraphicsMagick is distributed under an X11-style license (MIT License).  That means it can be used 
to develop commerical software with almost no restrictions.

Instructions to build the libraries 

This was done with VS2013 (i.e. vc12) and version 1.3.19 of GraphicsMagick.

1.  Download GraphicsMagick from source forge and unzip under "$(PATH_TO_ROOT)/ThirdParty.Ceda/GraphicsMagick"

2.  Run VisualMagick/configure/configure.exe

3.  In Target Setup window select
        -   Static Multi-threaded DLL runtimes
        -   Generate Visual Studio 7 format
    (this build static libraries which link against DLL versions of the CRT)

    Click on "Edit magick_config.h

    Comment out the line:
        #define ProvideDllMain  

4.  Keep defaults for intermediate files and output files

5.  Launch VisualMagick/VisualStaticMTDLL.sln

6.  Run Configuration Manager in Visual Studio
    Under "Active solution platforms" select New...
    Select x64, copied from x86

7.  Select all 'CORE_xxx" library projects

    Right click properties...
        Set Configuration to "All Configurations"
        Set Platform to "All Platforms"

    Set the following:
        Output Directory                    $(SolutionDir)_Output\$(SolutionName)\vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion)\$(Platform)\
        Intermediate Directory              $(SolutionDir)_Intermediate\$(SolutionName)\vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion)\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\$(ProjectName)\
        Target Name                         $(ProjectName)_vc$(PlatformToolsetVersion)_$(Platform)_$(Configuration)
        Platform Toolset                    Visual Studio 2013 - Windows XP (v120_xp)
        Precompiled Header Output File      $(IntDir)$(TargetName).pch
        Program Database File Name          $(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb
        Output File                         $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)

        Under C/C++ Output Files set   Program Database File Name = $(OutDir)$(Configuration)_$(TargetName)

8.  Repeat steps 1-7 to create VisualMagick/VisualStaticMT.sln 
    (except in step 3 select option for static libraries which link against static versions of the CRT)

9.  Copy $/Ceda/_BUILD/Init/ceda_build_graphicsmagick.bat into the VisualMagick folder

10. Run cmd with current directory set to the VisualMagick folder 
    Run ceda_build_graphicsmagick.bat

    This avoids the need to do this (for VisualStaticMTDLL.sln, and then similarly for VisualStaticMT.sln):

        -   Select Win32 platform
            -   Select Debug
            -   Clean solution
            -   Build solution
            -   Select Release
            -   Clean solution
            -   Build solution
            -   copy files in VisualMagick/lib folder to $(GRAPHICSMAGICK)/vc11_static_lib32_crtdll
        -   Select x64 platform
            -   Select Debug
            -   Clean solution
            -   Build solution
            -   Select Release
            -   Clean solution
            -   Build solution
            -   copy files in VisualMagick/lib folder to $(GRAPHICSMAGICK)/vc11_static_lib64_crtdll

11.  Comment out the following annoying #pragma messages

        #pragma message("Magick lib static interface")
        #pragma message("Magick module static interface)

        #pragma message("Magick++ lib static interface)

    It would be nice to remove this junk from the output:

        CORE_DB_coders_.lib(msl.obj) : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol xmlMalloc imported
        CORE_DB_coders_.lib(svg.obj) : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol xmlMalloc imported
        CORE_DB_coders_.lib(msl.obj) : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol xmlFree imported
        CORE_DB_coders_.lib(svg.obj) : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol xmlFree imported
        CORE_DB_coders_.lib(url.obj) : warning LNK4049: locally defined symbol xmlFree imported

    It seems that the culprit is in this file:  libxml\include\libxml\globals.h

        XMLPUBVAR xmlMallocFunc xmlMalloc;

@if (IsGccBasedCompiler)

        The following libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib/GraphicsMagick-1.3.23


@if (IsWindowsPlatform)
    $GRAPHICSMAGICK = "$(PATH_TO_ROOT)/ThirdParty.Ceda/GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick-$(GRAPHICSMAGICK_VERSION)"

        /I "$(GRAPHICSMAGICK)"
        /I "$(GRAPHICSMAGICK)/Magick++/lib"
        /D "_VISUALC_"
        /D "_LIB"

    $CompilerPrefix = "$(COMPILER)0"
    $GraphicsMagickSolutionName = @if(UseStaticCRT){"VisualStaticMT"}@else{"VisualStaticMTDLL"}

    @def gm_lib_names = ["Magick++","bzlib","coders","filters","jbig","jp2","jpeg","lcms","libxml","magick","png","tiff","ttf","wand","wmf","xlib","zlib"]


        @for (name in gm_lib_names)
            @str(@("CORE_" + name + "_$(CompilerPrefix)_$(Platform)_$(Configuration).lib"))



@if (IsMacOSXPlatform)
        // assumes ImageMagick is installed using brew install imagemagick