Project Directory

A project directory means a directory in the virtual tree associated with a particular project.

For example the project directory of the cxRmi library is the cxRmi directory having logical path Ceda/cxRmi.

    └── Ceda
        └── cxRmi             <──── project directory has logical path Ceda/cxRmi
            ├── cxRmi.h
            ├── RmiConnection.h
            ├── Rmi.h
            ├── Skeleton.h
            ├── Stub.h
            └── src
                ├── cxRmi.cpp
                ├── cxRmi.xcpj
                ├── ResponseQueue.cpp
                ├── ResponseQueue.h
                ├── RmiCallee.cpp
                ├── RmiCallee.h
                ├── RmiCaller.cpp
                ├── RmiCaller.h
                ├── Skeleton.cpp
                ├── StdAfx.cpp
                ├── StdAfx.h
                ├── Stub.cpp
                ├── ThreadBlocker.cpp
                └── ThreadBlocker.h

Project file

The project file is located in the src directory under the project directory. In this case the logical path of the project file is Ceda/cxRmi/src/cxRmi.xcpj

$TARGET_TYPE = "Library"
$ROOT_TO_PROJDIR = "Ceda/cxRmi"

@import "Ceda/BaseDefaults.xcpjh"


        "StdAfx.cpp" : +cpp { /Yc"StdAfx.h" }