Directories Filter

A directories filter directive can be used to filter out whole directories from the source files. For example the following filters out directories having the name ".svn"

directories  -".svn"

which is used in the following project

$TARGET_TYPE = "Utility Project"
$ROOT_TO_PROJDIR = "Ceda/CedaExtras"

@import "Ceda/BaseDefaults.xcpjh"

directories  -".svn"
@def mProjFiles = ["*.xcpj" "*.xcws" "*.xcpjh"] flat *
@def mProjectFilesInDirs(L) = @for(dir in L) dir { mProjFiles }

// Correspoonds to the root of the virtual tree (i.e. $)

    "$(PROJDIR_TO_ROOT)/Ceda" as "todo ceda"
        +"todo.txt" flat*
        +"done.txt" flat*

    ROOT as "Txt"
        +"*.txt" flat*

    ROOT as "Workspaces"
        +"*.xcws" flat*

            mProjectFilesInDirs(["App", "App1", "Build", "CedaExtras", "Core", "Core1"])
                -["*.exe" "*.dll"] *

        "Ceda" as ""