This example illustrates how Python code can access data types written in the Xc++ language. See also the documentation of the cxPython library.
This example assumes you have installed the pyceda module and installed the pypizza module.
The pypizza module defines some simple shape data types in the Xc++ language:
// Shapes.h
@import "Pizza.h"
@import "DateTime.h"
namespace shapes
$model+ TPoint
float32 X;
float32 Y;
$model+ TPolygon
xvector<TPoint> V;
$model+ TCircle
float32 Radius;
$model+ TRectangle
float32 Width;
float32 Height;
$variant+ TShape
default TCircle(200);
TCircle Circle;
TRectangle Rectangle;
TPolygon Polygon;
} // namespace shapes
Note that TShape is a $variant
Using your favorite text editor, write a file named as follows:
# This is python
import pyceda
import pypizza
shapes = pyceda.cns.shapes
p = shapes.TPolygon( [ shapes.TPoint(X=1,Y=2), shapes.TPoint(X=7,Y=-2) ] )
p.V.append( shapes.TPoint(X=5,Y=1) )
p.V[0].X = 1000
p.V.append( p.V[1] )
print 'p = ' + `p`
c = shapes.TCircle( Radius = 100 )
print 'c = ' + `c`
r = shapes.TRectangle( Width=200, Height=300 )
print 'r = ' + `r`
s = shapes.TShape()
print 's = ' + `s`
s.polygon = p
print 's = ' + `s`
In a bash terminal run as follows:
# bash
This produces the following output
p = TPolygon([TPoint(1000,2),TPoint(7,-2),TPoint(5,1),TPoint(7,-2)]) c = TCircle(100) r = TRectangle(200,300) s = circle(TCircle(200)) s = polygon(TPolygon([TPoint(1000,2),TPoint(7,-2),TPoint(5,1),TPoint(7,-2)]))