Build folder
On Windows the build folder contains:
- Intermediate files such as object files, written to the Win32 and x64 subfolders
- Files translated by the Xc++ front end compiler into straight C++. These are
written under the xcppsource subfolder
- MSVC project files, which under VS2015 have extension vcxproj
- MSVC solution files, which under VS2015 have extension sln
- A batch file named gen_[workspace-name].bat which can be run to regenerate the vcxproj and sln files
- xcpp configuration files
(build artefacts)
└─── build
├── Win32
│ ├── Debug
│ └── Release
├── x64
│ ├── Debug
│ └── Release
├── xcppsource
│ ├── Win32
│ │ ├── Debug
│ │ └── Release
│ └── x64
│ ├── Debug
│ └── Release
├── build_cxJigsaw.vcxproj
├── cxJigsaw.vcxproj
├── build_local.xcpp
├── wsJigsaw.xcpp
├── gen_wsJigsaw.bat
└── wsJigsaw.sln