Python bindings - variants

Consider the following reflected model defined in C++

// C++ code
namespace shapes
    $model+ TPoint
        float32 X;
        float32 Y;

    $model+ TLine
        TPoint P1;
        TPoint P2;

    $model+ TRect
        TPoint P1;
        TPoint P2;

    $model+ TCircle
        TPoint C;
        float32 R; 
    $model+ TPolygon
        xvector<TPoint> V;

    $variant+ TShape
        default TCircle(TPoint(0,0),1);
        TPoint Point;
        TLine Line;
        TRect Rect; 
        TCircle Circle; 
        TPolygon Polygon;

The following Python code illustrates various ways of creating an instance of a TShape object which is associated with a python object referenced by a python variable:

# python code
p = shapes.TPolygon( [ shapes.TPoint(X=1,Y=2), shapes.TPoint(X=7,Y=-2) ] )
p.V.append( shapes.TPoint(X=5,Y=1) )
p.V[0].X = 1000
p.V.append( p.V[1] )
c = shapes.TCircle( Radius = 100 )
r = shapes.TRectangle( Width=200, Height=300 )
s = shapes.TShape()
s.Polygon = p