ReflectedGlobalFunction registry

The ReflectedGlobalFunction registry indexes all the ReflectedGlobalFunctions by their fully qualified name using '::' delimiters.

ENameSpaceError RegisterReflectedGlobalFunction(const ReflectedGlobalFunction* r, XTarget* target)

Register the given ReflectedGlobalFunction.

r must not be null and r->m_name must be a unique fully qualified name using '::' delimiters.

Possible return values of type ENameSpaceError :

void UnregisterReflectedGlobalFunction(const ReflectedGlobalFunction* r)

Unregister the given ReflectedGlobalFunction.

r must not be null and have been successfully registered before calling this function.

void WriteReflectedGlobalFunctionRegistry(xostream& os)

Write out the entire registry to the given ostream

const ReflectedGlobalFunction* TryFindReflectedGlobalFunction(ConstStringZ fullyQualifiedName)

Returns nullptr on failure to find an entry with the given fully qualified name

const ReflectedGlobalFunction& FindReflectedGlobalFunction(ConstStringZ fullyQualifiedName)

Version that throws a ReflectedGlobalFunctionNotFoundException if not found