Less than comparison on reflected variables

Implementations of less than (<) comparison on reflected variables.

bool CompareLtReflectedVariable(
    ReflectionByteCode rbc,
    const void* lhs,
    const void* rhs)

bool CompareLtReflectedArrayVariable(
    ReflectionByteCode rbc,
    ssize_t size,
    const void* lhs,
    const void* rhs)

bool CompareLtReflectedVectorVariable(
    ReflectionByteCode rbc,
    const void* lhs,
    const void* rhs)

bool CompareLtReflectedClassVariable(
    const ReflectedClass& rc,
    const void* lhs,
    const void* rhs)

bool CompareLtReflectedVariantVariable(
    const ReflectedVariant& rv,
    const void* lhs,
    const void* rhs)

bool CompareLtReflectedVariable(
    ReflectionByteCode lhs_rbc,
    const void* lhs,
    ReflectionByteCode rhs_rbc,
    const void* rhs)

This is a more general because it accounts for the fact that lhs,rhs values may be encoded in different ways.