Construct reflected variables

The following functions allow for default constructing a reflected variable.

void ConstructReflectedVariable(ReflectionByteCode rbc, void* data)

Construct the variable of type 'rbc' at address 'data'

void ConstructReflectedArrayVariable(ReflectionByteCode rbc, ssize_t size, void* data)

Construct the array variable with 'size' elements of type 'rbc' at address 'data'

void ConstructReflectedVectorVariable(void* data)

Construct the xvector<T> variable at address 'data'

void ConstructReflectedClassVariable(const ReflectedClass& rc, void* data)

Construct the class variable of type 'rc' at address 'data'

void ConstructReflectedVariantVariable(const ReflectedVariant& rv, void* data)

Construct the variant variable of type 'rv' at address 'data'