CMake build phases

Building a CMake project involves three phases:

  1. Configure time (when cmake itself is running)
  2. Build time (when the generator such as make or ninja is running to compile/link the projects)
  3. Install time (when running the INSTALL target generated by CMake)

In Visual Studio the build phase occurs when you select the menu item Build/Build All, whereas the install phase occurs when you select the menu item Build/Install <project>.

To confuse things a bit, it's common to use cmake to run the build and install steps, such as in the following windows batch file:

cmake -G "Ninja" ^
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="%VCPKG_ROOT_DIR%/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" ^
    --config %CONFIG% ^

cmake --build . --target install --config %CONFIG%