JNI for the ceda namespace

Currently there are specalised C++ and Java files that only support a small subset of the functionality in the Ceda namespace - since we haven't used generate_jni.py to automatically generate the JNI wrappers. That won't work yet because generate_jni.py doesn't generate JNI bindings for reflected free functions.

These files are currently located here:

    ├── CedaExamples
    └── MyCompany
        └── CedaAndroidExample
            └── app
                └── src
                    └── main
                        ├── cpp
                        │   ├── CedaJni.cpp
                        │   ├── Utils.cpp
                        │   └── Utils.h
                        └── java
                            └── com
                                └── cedanet
                                    └── ceda
                                        ├── CedaJni.java
                                        ├── Client.java
                                        ├── EOpenMode.java
                                        ├── PersistStore.java
                                        ├── PSpace.java
                                        ├── Server.java
                                        ├── Transaction.java
                                        └── WorkingSet.h

Really, the CEDA SDK needs to to include a shared library + JAR file for JNI wrappings on the functions/types in the ceda namespace. But we will address that later. Indeed for now let's ignore the stuff in the Ceda namespace.