The following 18 warning codes are defined:
code | description |
1000 | Forward declaration of %s contains metadata |
1001 | Non-reflected %s contains metadata |
1002 | Reflected %s references non-registered %s |
1003 | isa on %s doesn't inherit from IObject |
1004 | %s is not reflected and has redundant << >> directives |
1005 | mvector<T> is deprecated - instead use xvector<movable<pref<T> > > |
1006 | Inconsistent subtyping of IObject in base interfaces |
1007 | %s subtypes IObject but isn't reflected |
1008 | %s doesn't appear in public header of library |
1009 | %s not exported in public header of library |
1010 | %s declarations have inconsistent signatures : %s %s |
1011 | %s is defined in a header file and isn't inlined |
1012 | %s defined in library without prior declaration |
1013 | isa on %s not reflected |
1014 | %s implementing %s without associated 'isa' |
1015 | $warning(push) without matching pop |
1016 | %s not defined |
1017 | + on forward declaration of %s deprecated |
Warnings can be disabled, for example the following disables warning 1014:
$warning(push; disable: 1014)
$class X <<-copy>> isa IPersistable
$implementing IPersistable {Serialise Deserialise}, Ix;
Grammar (expressed in EBNF ISO 14977) is:
warning-item =
'push' |
'pop' |
'disable', ':', integer-expr, { integer-expr } |
'enable', ':', integer-expr, { integer-expr };
warning-decl =
'$', 'warning',
[ warning-item, { ';', warning-item }, [';'] ],
$warning(push; disable : 1003 1012; enable 1000)