
The xcpp preprocessor allows for evaluation of expressions in a similar manner to the C/C++ compiler.

The following table shows the operators and their precedence (highest precedence at the top of the table):

Operator Description
Logical negation
Bitwise negation
Unary minus
Unary plus
^^ Power
Bitwise shift left
Bitwise shift right
Comparison less-than
Comparison less-than-or-equal-to
Comparison greater-than
Comparison greater-than-or-equal-to
Comparison equal-to
Comparison not-equal-to
& Bitwise AND
^ Bitwise XOR
| Bitwise OR
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
? : Ternary conditional (if-then-else)

Expressions are evaluated in the following circumstances:

The supported types are bool, int, double, char and string. Unlike C/C++ there is no implicit conversion from int to bool.

Special functions

The trigonometric functions sin, cos and tan are available. Also the exponential exp, and natural logarithm log (base e).

Before translationAfter translation
@def double e = exp(1)
double f() { return e; }

double f() { return 2.7182818284590451; }