
A unique_interface_ptr is a smart pointer which represents exclusive ownership of an object that implements interface IObject and will call the Destroy method when it destructs.

Consider the following $interface definitions and a class that implements them:

$interface+ Ix : ceda::IObject
    int get() const;

$interface+ Iy : Ix
    void set(int x);

$class X isa Iy
    X(int x) : x(x) {}
    int get() const { return x; }
    void set(int v) { x = v; }
    int x;

X implements interface IObject so therefore a Destroy method is generated by the compiler which calls delete this.

void X::Destroy() const
    delete this;

In the following example the variable p which is a unique_interface_ptr takes ownership of the dynamically allocated instance of class X ensuring it is deleted:

void main()
    ceda::unique_interface_ptr<Iy> p(new X(10));
    assert( p->get() == 10 );

If D is a sub-interface of B, then unique_interface_ptr<D> is implicitly convertible to unique_interface_ptr<B>.

In many ways a unique_interface_ptr is analogous to a std:::unique_ptr :