Interface Inheritance

An interface definition can declare zero or more base interfaces. For example

$interface IShape
    float64 GetArea() const;
    float64 GetPerim() const;

$interface IColouredShape : IShape
    int32 GetColour() const;

$interface ICircle : IShape
    float64 GetRadius() const;

$interface IColouredCircle : IColouredShape, ICircle

This allows us to speak of the subinterfaces and superinterfaces of a given interface. The interfaces form a directed acyclic graph according to the subinterface relation.

Coloured circle hierarchy

Now consider the following struct in straight C++

class ColouredCircle
    ColouredCircle() : r(3.0), c(17) {}
    float64 GetArea() const {return 3.14*r*r;}
    float64 GetPerim() const {return 2*3.14*r;}
    float64 GetRadius() const {return r;}
    int32 GetColour() const {return c;}
    float64 r;
    int32 c;

This can be coerced into an IColouredCircle as follows

ColouredCircle c;
ptr<IColouredCircle> p = &c;

The pointer p can be implicit upcast to a ptr<IShape>, ptr<IColouredShape> or ptr<ICircle>.

Let a subinterface refer to either a directly or indirectly inherited interface. For example, the subinterfaces of IColouredCircle are IShape, IColouredShape, ICircle.

An interface inherits all the methods from its subinterfaces. A pointer to an interface can be implicit upcast to a pointer to any subinterface.

Sideways or downwards casting of interface pointers requires a qicast<> but is only supported for interfaces that inherit from IObject (this is described below).

Repeated inheritance is supported, but only indirectly. The following is not permitted

$interface Ix {};
$interface Iy : Ix, Ix {} // compiler error

Coloured circle using subclassing

For the purpose of comparison, consider the following code using subclassing, where it has been assumed that virtual inheritance should always be used for interface inheritance:

struct IShape
    virtual float64 GetArea() const = 0;
    virtual float64 GetPerim() const = 0;

struct IColouredShape : public virtual IShape
    virtual int32 GetColour() const = 0;

struct ICircle : public virtual IShape
    virtual float64 GetRadius() const = 0;

struct IColouredCircle : public virtual IColouredShape, public virtual ICircle

class ColouredCircle : public IColouredCircle
    ColouredCircle() : r(3.0), c(17) {}
    float64 GetArea() const {return 3.14*r*r;}
    float64 GetPerim() const {return 2*3.14*r;}
    float64 GetRadius() const {return r;}
    int32 GetColour() const {return c;}
    float64 r;
    int32 c;

For the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (VC 2008), the size of ColouredCircle is 56 bytes. That is an enormous overhead considering the member variables only take up 12 bytes.